We use the "guided disassembly" technology to first prompt the key steps, and students need to actively deduce the final answer to cultivate independent thinking ability.
The exclusively developed engine can accurately recognize sloppy handwriting. Tests show that the recognition rate for middle school students' handwriting is 97.3%.
Homework Terminator is designed as a learning aid. Our solutions include detailed explanations to help you understand concepts, not just copy answers. Always follow your school's academic policies.
Our AI achieves 97.4% accuracy across STEM subjects based on university-level testing. If unsatisfied with a solution, use our "Expert Review" feature for human-verified corrections.
Yes! Get 5 free solutions one day.
We never store uploaded images. All data is encrypted and deleted after 24 hours. No personal information is required for free tier usage.
Rare cases (<5%) are forwarded to our expert team. You'll receive an email with a human-generated solution within 6 hours (Premium users) or 24 hours (Free users).
Yes! Our AI recognizes messy handwriting and hand-drawn graphs. For best results, ensure clear lighting and avoid cursive writing.
Absolutely! Our mobile-optimized website works seamlessly on all devices. iOS and Android apps coming Fall 2025.